22nd Annual "Woodies at the Beach" |
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The “Best of the Best” Woodie Wagons from all over the western United States will gather together on the west lawn of Santa Barbara City College overlooking the blue Pacific Ocean.
Come and enjoy the artistry and craftsmanship that made the Woodie legendary.
Bring a picnic and enjoy friendly people and the cool beach vibe.
Help support local charities - Raffles - Silent Auction - Event T-Shirts - Surf Band
Public Welcome - No Admission Fee
No Entry Fee - Registration starts at 8:00 a.m.
Special parking for our Classic Car friends; pre 1973 (no moderns, please).
Presented by the Santa Barbara Woodie Club. Event Contact: Cary Dritz at sbwoodieclub@yahoo.com or (805) 850-8574.
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